Statement on Black Lives Matter

As a charity working in the migration, asylum and human rights arena, we at Samphire are only too aware of the structural inequality and racism inherent in this system – a reflection of the racism that exists in our wider society. We stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed. We recognise that oppression exerted upon people on the basis of their race, colour, nationality or ethnicity is often compounded and magnified by the intersections of different elements of individual identity. Black lives matter. We all have a part to play in dismantling racism, oppression and inequality.

Samphire endeavours to:

  • Amplify the voices and experiences of those that have been impacted by
    immigration detention to help to bring about systemic change.
  • Support greater understanding of our shared humanity through our Schools of
    Sanctuary programme.
  • Promote a stronger, more cohesive local community that values and appreciates the
    diversity within it.

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