The Post-Detention Support Project Caseworker Volunteer vacancies

 The Post-Detention Support Project seeks to assist those who have been released from indefinite immigration detention, and who have no leave to remain in the UK. We advise them on their entitlements, and ensure that they are able to access them, helping solve any problems the clients may encounter. The project helps to get set up in the area to which they are dispersed, and start to rebuild their lives. 

The Post-Detention Support Project Volunteer Caseworker will provide support to people who are released from long-term immigration detention in the UK with the aim of alleviating destitution, improving their quality of life and facilitating integration into their local communities.
The Volunteer Caseworker contributes to the smooth running of the Post-Detention Support Project, and helps ensure the capacity of the project meets the demand for help.

The role requires initial attendance at training in Dover/Folkestone, followed by homeworking. To be an initial point of contact for people having left long-term immigration detention in the UK, receiving enquiries via our freephone helpline, WhatsApp group and project-specific email address, the Volunteer Caseworker will work with the Senior Caseworker and Project Manager to support ex-detainees to access essential services, emergency funds and travel. All members of Samphire are supported and encouraged to contribute to policy and advocacy work that seeks to influence the wider debate about migration for the benefit of our client group and society more generally.

Please find the full role description for Volunteer Caseworker, information how to apply and the application form below:

Volunteer Caseworker Role Description and how to apply
Application Form

New volunteers will undergo two days of in person training with salaried members of the PDSP. This will be followed by 2/3 in-person, mentored shifts. These will take place either in Folkstone or Dover.
The position will be supervised at all times by either the Senior Caseworker or Project Manager (or in exceptional cases, the Director). Peer-to-peer support plays an important part in the maintenance of team members’ wellbeing, and appropriate support and training is given to deal with the difficult nature of some of the calls that team-members may take.

We ask for a minimum commitment of 1 3-hour shift a week, for at least 3 months. 

Deadline to apply – the 7th of February 2025