Welcome to SAMPHIRE

Working to create a society which is inclusive and compassionate towards everyone.

About Us

The charity has both a national remit and a local one. Nationally, our Post Detention Support Project provides support and advice via a Freephone helpline 0800 9179397,  open five days a week.

Locally, in Dover, Samphire runs a community engagement project working with migrant and British communities to improve social cohesion, and better inclusion of newcomers into Dover and surrounding areas of Kent .

Our Mission

Improving lives, empowering people and changing attitudes towards migration.

Our Projects

Post detention Support Project

The Post Detention Support Project strives to bring about positive social change for ex-detainees and the communities that they are released into, nationwide. The Project alleviates destitution and provides emotional and practical support to people in crisis via our five days a week telephone helpline. We advise, enable and empower our ex-detainees along with working closely with our partner organisations to help influence the wider debate.

School of Sanctuary Kent

 Samphire’s Kent Schools of Sanctuary Project has played an important role in our community engagement and outreach work for a number of years – teaching children about compassion and the people we support. Sadly due to funding difficulties, we have been forced to place this role on hiatus for the foreseeable future. We will continue to engage with and include local schools in our community work where we can, and we hope to revive the project as soon as funding becomes available. 

Outreach & Inclusion Project

 Our outreach and inclusion project works to promote community cohesion and help local communities and cultures to understand each other better. We run a variety of local events and activities, including the annual Dover Multicultural Festival, a weekly social drop-in group, plus different fundraising events throughout the year. 

Samphire's Legal Project

Samphire’s Legal Project – Since May 2019 the project is being delivered in cooperation with Dover and Deal District and Thanet Citizens Advice Bureau. 

People can get advice on immigration matters falling under OISC Levels 1& 2 (Please note, we cannot assist in immigration appeals).

Latest News

Vacancy – Immigration Advice Caseworker – IAA registered

An exciting new opportunity has arisen with Samphire and we are looking for an Immigration Advice Caseworker to join our small team.  This is a one year flexible role.   Samphire’s vision is for a society which is inclusive and compassionate towards migrants. We seek to...

The Post-Detention Support Project Caseworker Volunteer vacancies

 The Post-Detention Support Project seeks to assist those who have been released from indefinite immigration detention, and who have no leave to remain in the UK. We advise them on their entitlements, and ensure that they are able to access them, helping solve any problems...

We are leaving our Castle Street Office

After around a decade (none of us could really tell exactly how long it has been) due to financial pressures we sadly have had to leave our Castle Street offices. Thank you for your support over the years. Samphire will be carrying on its good work as always, but to ensure...

Dover Multicultural Festival 2024

Well, if you weren’t at the Dover Multicultural Festival 2024, you missed out on the most extraordinary celebration this side of the English Channel! Picture this; a day where an eclectic mix of music played while children balanced on stilts, all in the shadow of a...

“My Home, My Voice” – Post Detention Support Conference 2024

Save the Date!   Samphire's Post Detention Support Conference 2024 is on the 13th of June! If you are from an organisation, please RSVP your details at https://forms.gle/4HRk6krgLQFFph9DA If you are a client of the project, please RSVP via...

A Big Thank You to All Our Funders!

A Big Thank You to all our Funders I’m now able to share with you the exciting news that the National Lottery Reaching Communities fund has agreed to extent Samphire’s grant funding for another 3 years.  The National Lottery are Samphire’s biggest...

Statement against the plans to increase the minimum income requirement for family visas

This is a statement on behalf of the whole of Samphire, it is made with deep concern and frustration regarding recent changes to the immigration policies that directly impact the fundamental human right to have a family. The decision by our government to increase the...

Press Release – Deal Winter Lights Parade

Deal Pier Winter Lights Lantern Procession On Friday 15 December, Deal Pier was lit up with a beautiful lantern parade organised by local human rights charity Samphire in partnership with Deal Town Council and local school children. The event began at the entrance to the...

The Right to Work is a Human Right

In an era of multiple, overlapping national crises, the theme of tightening the boot straps and cutting costs wherever possible runs deeply through much of the country. Unsurprising then, that the conversation around asylum support remains firmly at the top of the agenda....

The Class Divide: A Tale of Two Tragedies

In a world that has seemingly become divided by class, where the plight of the marginalised is often overshadowed by the glamour of the wealthy, it is crucial to shed light on the stark contrast between the rescue efforts and media coverage surrounding the Greek refugee...



Dover Detainee Visitors Group launched


Post Detention Support project launched

Over 700 detainees regularly visited by trained volunteers


First Post Detention Support conference held in Dover

Community awareness raising project begun



Change of name to Samphire


First Dover Multicultural festival

Schools of Sanctuary project launched



Legal Project providing free immigration advice launched, collaboration with Citizens Advice started



Fundraise for Samphire!

Do you have fun, interesting fundraising ideas? Get in touch! Your time, skill and most of all- enthusiasm is crucial to help us raise much needed funds for our projects. 


Get Involved

Would you like to volunteer for Samphire?

Samphire is always on the lookout to recruit new volunteers to assist in a variety of areas. Do you have skills you think could help us? Apply today! 



With funding grants becoming increasingly competitive, we are relying more and more on individual donations from our kind supporters. If you are able – please consider making a donation or attending one of our fundraising events.