Nice To Meet You Exhibition
#NiceToMeetYou #SomRadoHoijTumenSpindzardom exhibition at Turner Contemporary
The work of Roma Slovak & Czech women artists Jarmila, Anna, Martina, Beata and Ivana is being exhibited at the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate. The artists worked with Joy Martindale (supported by Counterpoint Arts and the Arts Council) to produce work under the theme Som Rado Hoij Tumen Spindzardom or Nice to Meet You
It is FREE to see their work at the Turner Contemporary Margate and Samphire’s Iveta, an expert in involving Roma in the community due to her lived experience, ensured the group met and continued to produce work, even through the pandemic.
Roma communities in many countries, including the UK, remain marginalised. In Slovakia, where Roma are the second largest minority group, they continue to face unequal access to employment, education, health and social services compared to non-Roma Slovaks.
Nice To Meet You aims to champion the message that art can bring communities together and is one of many local initiatives striving to improve social cohesion and challenge negative stereotypes.